Burgundy Color Code Cmyk. English language names are approximate equivalents of the hexadecimal color codes. The red-green-blue components are 80 128 red 00 0 green and 20 32 blue.
Deep Burgundy has the hex code 650015. Burgundy in the CMYK color model has the values 20 90 50 40 which means it has 90 of magenta 50 of yellow 40 of black and 20 of cyan. The primary colors of subtractive synthesis are cyan magenta and yellow.
This color combination was created by user Vanessa.
This translates to an approximate hex code 86253F and RGB values of 134 37 63. The hexadecimal color 5b071a is a color red whose writing is rgb 91 7 26 either 36 of red 3 of green 10 of blue. The HSL value is hsl 245 219 49 either a shade of 245 a saturation of 219 and a brightness of 49. You can also try with a keyword.