Auburn Color Code. In the HSL colour scale it has a hue of 0 degrees 594. Auburn Tigers RGB CMYK Hex Pantone Color Codes for HTML Printing Design Projects.
The official colors of the Auburn Tigers team are Burnt Orange and Navy Blue. Auburn has the hex code A52A2A. For your convenience the colors are presented in different color spaces.
The HSL value is hsl 10 224 84 either a shade of 10 a saturation of 224 and a brightness of 84.
The hexadecimal RGB code of Auburn color is A52A2A and the decimal is rgb1654242. The red-green-blue components are 92 146 red 27 39 green and 24. RGB 161 88 67. The hexadecimal RGB code of Auburn color is A52A2A and the decimal is rgb1654242.